Project Biosecurity Management
Applied Environment & Safety is providing support to the Powerlink Genex Kidson Connection project with environmental management and property access. Specifically, this includes biosecurity requirements of an organic and biodynamic property.
Organic, and to a greater extent biodynamic, certification of this property sets a high standard regarding biosecurity management and material inputs. These agricultural systems focus on preservation and development of the natural environment, especially the soil, to support natural metabolic functions that enable the production of high quality product from a closed system. This closed system does not allow the input of external and non-organic products such as herbicides and fertilisers.
This has led to specific biosecurity requirements given that chemicals to treat weeds and pests cannot be used. Prevention is key to biosecurity management in this property.
Biosecurity Concerns and Controls
The types of biosecurity concerns for this property are:
– Import of weeds from outside of the property
– Spread of existing weeds within the property
– Cattle diseases
– Exotic pest species including ants
Extensive planning for entry and construction of the transmission line within this property has been implemented. For biosecurity this includes:
– Pre-construction inspection for onsite weeds
– Establishment of a quarantine entry area
– Washing and inspecting all materials, equipment, and vehicles prior to access
– Specific induction and declarations for all personnel
– Physical removal and management of weeds prior to clearing
– Progressive rehabilitation of disturbed areas
For more general information on biosecurity management refer our article on Biosecurity Prevention & Management.
Washdown for Biosecurity Management
Weed and disease hygiene controls in the form of vehicle and machinery washdown are particularly important for construction sites. Designated areas are setup where vehicles and equipment are thoroughly cleaned, and if required disinfected, to remove any weeds or diseases that may be present.
Equipment and vehicles are washed down using a combination of a high-pressure hose and a hard bristled brush to remove dirt and debris from the wheels and undercarriage. In instances where there is the potential for pathogens, such as cattle diseases, a disinfectant solution is then applied to the vehicle. Any plant or pathogen material is collected within the sump of the washdown bay for later disposal.
Washdown Options
To deal with number and different types of vehicles that are required to enter this property for construction, various options for washdown and inspection of vehicles was investigated. This included:
Temporary washdown mats

Self-contained washdown facilities

Permanent washdown facilities

It was decided for time efficiency for washdown of each vehicle and portability at the end of the project that an automated, wheel wash system would be utilised. This high volume water cleaning system targets the under carriage and wheels of vehicles.
The effectiveness of this choice of washdown will be monitored by the onsite Biosecurity Inspector who will be certifying vehicles as clean and allowed to enter the property.
How We Can Help Your Project
At Applied Environment and Safety, we are committed to providing our clients with industry leading best practice. This includes using our technical knowledge and industry experience from planning through to implementation and compliance. Our team is dedicated to identifying environmental risks, providing practical solutions and improving project outcomes.
For more information on our services, visit our Services Page.
Wheel wash