Solar Farm Environmental Fieldwork

Melanie Dixon June 27, 2024

Applied Environment & Safety has been working in the field with Biodiverse Environmental to validate our desktop flora and fauna review through a targeted ecological and weed survey. Findings from this fieldwork will assist us with the development of specific management plans for flora and fauna, biosecurity, and rehabilitation for the Fraser Coast Solar Farm project.

This renewable energy project comprises of a 350 mW solar facility. The project involves reconfiguration of four rural lots to facilitate the construction of 900,000 solar collector panels. The solar panels, arranged as modules and supported by inverters, will be installed alongside power stations to feed electricity generated directly into the existing adjoining substation.

Our support to the project includes the development of the Construction Environmental Management Plan and environmental aspect specific sub-plans for Council approval. As well as the management of additional studies and secondary approvals.

Following the targeted ecology and weed survey, a nocturnal survey will be undertaken to develop a Species Management Program. This survey will target the identification of any project activities that have the potential to impact on breeding places of protected fauna such as amphibians in billabongs and dams as well as microbats in trees.

Species Management Program

A Species Management Program is required if development activities have the potential to impact on a breeding place of an animal classified as critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, near threatened, special least concern, colonial breeder or least concern. Under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 and Nature Conservation (Animals) Regulation 2020, significant penalties apply if development works impact a breeding place without an approved Species Management Program.

This is an exciting opportunity for Applied Environment & Safety to be supporting Global Power Generation Australia in the development of their environmental management plans and supporting their Council approval. We are very happy to be supporting this local project and be part of the growing renewable infrastructure on the Fraser Coast.

For more information on the services that we provide, visit our What We Do page.